Dear Gallery Supporters,

Where has the year gone? Hard to believe we are about to enter a new one  And we are hard at work planning a new calendar of events.

It has also been a year of major capital improvements. We replaced most of the siding on the exterior of the building and entirely repainted. We also completed the total replacement of our lighting, purchasing 90 additional LED fixtures. The total cost of these two projects was over $80,000.

We are grateful to our donors who helped fund these projects. The maintenance of our beautiful facility is a priority we have met. However, the high costs we are all feeling impact our general operating expenses as well. So we are asking for your help.

Please consider the Brown County Art Gallery in your year end giving. We pledge to use the gifts we receive in the best way possible. Help us continue to bring the best art, history, special programs, children’s exhibits, and art camps. Your support will allow us to continue our mission of “Supporting Indiana Art, Past, Present, and Future” and remain admission free, accessible to all. 

Send checks to the Brown County Art Gallery Foundation, PO Box 443 or call the office at (812) 988-4609. The Foundation is a 501(C)3 non-profit.

Thank You,
Lyn Letsinger-Miller, President
Brown County Art Gallery Foundation 

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